It’s been a super busy spring! If you follow this blog you may have noticed that recently there are even fewer posts than usual. I’m working hard on getting the Our Table CSA established in Sherwood, Oregon, but I’m still trying to add content here when I can.
I’m also teaching a class on farm tools at Clackamas Community College and my intention is to put a few of the class materials up here on the site. To that end I’ve reposted an article on sharpening that I wrote for Growing For Market back in 2010. Sharpening is fundamental to tool care and functionality of many hand tools. The article is linked to in the Q&A section of the site.
I made some minor edits to the Links page here. Mostly I added two books to the list. When I did a workshop at MOSES last winter they gave me an excellent book on farm business, Fearless Farm Finances, so I’ve added that to the links page.
Another book I added isĀ Greenhorns: 50 Dispatches from the New Farmers’ Movement, which just won a Nautilus Gold Award! I have an essay on tools in there, and there are a lot of other essays that really talk about the realities of what it’s like to be a young farmer. Check it out if you haven’t already.