New Greenhorns Book

greenhorns book

Yep, somehow they let me slip a little farm story into this great book of stories from young farmers around the country. I just got my copy in the mail yesterday so I haven’t had a chance to read all of it, but the stories I have read are fantastic.

My friends Zoë, Katie and Maud and I are all going to be at a book signing at Powell’s on Wednesday, May 9, please come and see us there. I had no idea that books have trailers, but if you want to see the one for this book go here.

If you can’t make that, Zoë is doing another reading the following night which is sponsored by Friends of Family Farmers as part of the FarmON series (you’ll have to search for details from them, not sure where the info for that is, just a rumor maybe?)

Cargo Bike Review

cargo bike shadow
Riding to the farm with a big load of boxes

I got to test out a Bullitt cargo bike with electric assist for the farm a couple weeks ago and I’ve finally gotten around to writing up a review which is here or you can get to it through the review tab above. It’s an amazing bike and one that will replace my car for farm deliveries soon!

Hedgerow Workshop

I’m not actually directly involved in this one, but it’s connected to a project that I’ve been working on for the past year. The project is on a beautiful 58 acre property in Sherwood, Oregon which is taking the best aspects of Permaculture design, Biodynamics, co-operative business models, community thinking, and slow money investing, the Manav Foundation is starting to offer workshops (Manav translates into English from Sanskrit as Humanity).

The workshop should be in depth and is May 18-20.  Details can be found here. It is being taught by Jude Hobbs and Jenny Pell.

Bicycle and Farm Overlap

Bullitt at the Farm

I just added three bike inspired reviews to the reviews section of the site. They’re also inspired by two of my birthday presents (I had a birthday earlier this month), which in turn were bike inspired. And all of that bike inspiration is partially due to the farm where I’ve been testing out cargo bikes for delivering the produce. I’ll have reviews of those bikes up when I get a chance to finish writing them, along with my thoughts on how bike delivery works for the farm.

In the meantime, check out my reviews of the Biologic BikeMount for the iPhone, their BikeBrain App, and Motorola’s S10-HD headset. They all work for the bike, but I’ve also been using them with my Farm Hand Cart – even more exciting!